Communication students working on broadcast journalism in studio.

Title IX



Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. Discrimination on the basis of sex can include sexual harassment or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual coercion, stalking and domestic/intimate partner violence. While it is often thought of as a law that applies only to athletics programs, Title IX is much broader than Athletics and applies to all programs at the university. The University of South Alabama prohibits sex or gender-based harassment, discrimination or retaliation. 

The Title IX Office is dedicated to supporting the university's commitment to creating an environment where students, faculty, staff and visitors are free from discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. We provide leadership and support regarding Title IX regulations and the implementation of prevention programming that addresses sex discrimination and sexual violence. The Title IX Office takes all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously. We will promptly respond and thoroughly investigate and resolve all complaints of sexual misconduct in accordance with the university's Sexual Misconduct Policy. We are committed to supporting all members of the university community by providing fair and equitable services and resources.  



Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Policy Insert for Syllabi

Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding.
Discrimination on the basis of sex can include sexual harassment or sexual violence, such as
rape, sexual assault, sexual coercion, stalking, and domestic/intimate partner violence. While it is
often thought of as a law that applies only to athletics programs, Title IX is much broader than
Athletics and applies to all programs at the university. The University of South Alabama
prohibits sex or gender-based harassment, discrimination, or retaliation. 

The Title IX Office is dedicated to supporting the university's commitment to creating an
environment where students, faculty, staff, and visitors are free from discrimination, sexual
harassment, and sexual violence. We provide leadership and support regarding Title IX
regulations and the implementation of prevention programming that addresses sex discrimination
and sexual violence. The Title IX Office takes all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and
will promptly respond and thoroughly investigate and resolve all complaints of sexual
misconduct in accordance with the university’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. We are committed to
supporting all university community members by providing fair and equitable services and

For questions about Title IX, please visit the Title IX page at or contact Deidra Byas, Title
IX Coordinator, at 251-460-7280. Please scan the QR code below to file a confidential Title IX
incident report.


Upcoming Events

more events


Let’s Talk About It: Greek Voices and Green Flags

Date: November 12th 

Time: 5pm

Location: Student Center Terrace 

Title IX is partnering with Greek organizations on campus to discuss healthy relationships and consent. Attendees will gain knowledge and strategies for recognizing positive behaviors, or "green flags," in their interactions. The event features a Greek student panel sharing personal experiences and insights, fostering understanding and respect within the community.


Birthing Class for Pregnant & Parenting Students

Date: Tuesday, November 19th 

Time: 3pm

Location: Student Center RM 212 

This comprehensive class will cover essential topics like birthing preparation, breastfeeding, and postpartum care to help you feel prepared and confident. We look forward to seeing you there and supporting you during this incredible time!

A person may also file a complaint of sexual misconduct with the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding an alleged violation of Title IX by visiting or by calling 1-800-421-3481.